Music of the Mass Part 2 | 12 More Hymns & Music For A Catholic Mass | Church

This Music of the Mass - Part 2 video has been created for Catholics, Parishes and Masses where music or music ministers are not available to supply music for the liturgy (i.e. due to COVID-19 issues). This video release, which contains 3 previously unreleased tracks (Dona Nobis Pacem sung by the male voices in our choir, What Wondrous Love Is This and We Three Kings), reflects the more traditional side of our Catholic musical heritage. Our hope is that by combining all this music in one place, this video will become a valuable resource for our Catholic community around the world.

Video : Song Name and Time Stamps

Latin Hymns

1) Attende Domine - Catholic Chant (0:20)

2) Ave Verum Corpus - W.A. Mozart - Latin Motet (2:41)

3) Dona Nobis Pacem - Latin Canon (5:24)

4) Veni Creator Spiritus - Catholic Chant (8:07)

Traditional Hymns

5) Abide With Me - Lyte/Monk (11:18)

6) On This Day O Beautiful Mother (14:04)

7) The King Of Love My Shepherd Is - H.W. Baker (17:00)

8) What Wondrous Love Is This (21:31)

Other Hymns

9) Wait For The Lord - Jacques Berthier - Taize (25:04)

10) Precious Lord Take My Hand - Thomas Dorsey / George Allen - Spiritual (29:04)

11) We Three Kings - John Henry Hopkins Jr. - Epiphany (31:32)

12) Father I Have Sinned - Fr. Eugene O'Reilly - The Prodigal Son Song (34:31)


0:00 Attende Domine

2:41 Ave Verum Corpus

5:24 Dona Nobis Pacem

8:07 Veni Creator Spiritus

11:18 Abide With Me

14:04 On This Day O Beautiful Mother

17:00 The King Of Love My Shepherd Is

21:31 What Wondrous Love Is This

25:04 Wait For The Lord

29:04 Precious Lord Take My Hand

31:32 We Three Kings

34:31 Father I Have Sinned (The Prodigal Son Song)


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