Music of the Mass | One hour of Catholic Music from Easter Vigil | Choir w/Lyrics

Complete Easter Vigil Music Recordings | Presenting a collection of 20 beautiful Psalms, Chants, Hymns and Songs recorded live at Easter Vigil 2022, representing all the musical components of the Easter Vigil Mass. The only song missing is the Exsultet sung by our Deacon which was not recorded (and truly needs to be experienced in person).

And of course no Easter video would be complete without an Easter Egg.....

Recorded live at St. Francis de Sales Parish by the combined SFDS Easter Vigil Choir (comprised of members from the Sunday 7pm Choir, Saturday 5pm Choir, Sunday 8:30am and Sunday 10:15am choirs in Ajax, ON Canada. Thanks for listening and God bless. πŸ™

0:00 Musical Intro

0:18 Psalm 104: Lord, Send Out Your Spirit

3:39 Psalm 16: Keep Me Safe, O God

7:36 Exodus 15: Let Us Sing To The Lord

10:43 Psalm 30: I Will Praise You, Lord

14:13 Isaiah 12: We Shall Draw Water

16:52 Psalm 19: Lord, You Have The Words

19:40 Psalm 42: Like a Deer

23:49 Gloria (Latin Chant)

26:19 Easter Alleluia: Psalm 118

28:52 Litany Of The Saints (Chant)

33:41 Baptized In Water

35:39 In Every Age

39:40 Mass of Creation

42:44 Jesus, Hope Of The World

48:17 Revelation Song

52:09 At The Lamb's High Feast

54:38 Ain't Got Time To Die


Sunday 7pm Choir | Welcome Video


Music of the Mass Part 2 | 12 More Hymns & Music For A Catholic Mass | Church