Sunday 7pm Choir
Full YouTube Music List
Alphabetical Listing with Usage commentary
To find a specific Song, Hymn, Mass Part, Liturgical Season or Topic from the list below, use the Control-F, Command-F, ‘Find’ or ‘Search’ function on your browser
Song Collections (with link to YouTube Video)
Holy Hour of Lenten Hymns | Music Collection | Lent Hymns, Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday
Mother Mary - Marian Hymns | Music Collection | Marian Hymns, Mary Hymns, Mary Songs
Music Of The Mass - Part 1 | Music Collection | Various Songs
Music Of The Mass - Part 2 | Music Collection | Various Songs
Music Of The Mass - Communion Songs | Music Collection | Communion Songs, Eucharistic Hymns
Music Of The Mass - Communion Songs | Part 2 | Music Collection | Communion Songs, Eucharistic Hymns
Music Of The Mass - Easter Vigil | Music Collection | Easter Vigil, Mass Parts, Psalms
Music Of The Mass - Entrance Songs | Music Collection | Entrance Songs, Opening Hymns
Music Of The Mass - Hymns of Lent | Music Collection | Lenten Hymns
Music Of The Mass - Hymns to Mary | Music Collection | Marian Hymns, Mary Hymns
Music Of The Mass - Latin Hymns | Music Collection | Latin Hymns, Latin Chant
Music Of The Mass - Offertory Hymns | Music Collection | Offertory Songs, Offertory Hymns
Songs of Advent | Music Collection | Various Advent Songs and Hymns
Songs of Advent: Part 2 | Music Collection | Various Advent Songs and Hymns
Songs of Christmas | Music Collection | Various Christian Christmas Carols, Christmas Songs
Songs of Comfort | Music Collection | Various Catholic Hymns, Good Shepherd, Comfort, Faith, Hope
Songs of Courage | Music Collection | Various Catholic Hymns, Faith, Strength, Courage, Hope
Songs Of Easter | Music Collection | Various Easter Hymns, Resurrection
Songs of Healing | Music Collection | Various Healing Hymns
Songs Of Lent : Part 1 | Music Collection | Various Lenten Hymns
Songs of Lent : Part 2 | Music Collection | Various Lenten Hymns
Songs of Meditation | Music Collection | Various A Cappella, Taizé and Ostinato Pieces, Meditation, Advent
Songs of Mercy | Music Collection | Various Hymns of Mercy and Forgiveness
Songs of Praise & Worship | Music Collection | Various Praise and Worship Songs
Songs of Solace | Music Collection | Memorial Service, Funeral, Comfort, Faith, Passing
Songs of the Rosary | Music Collection | Rosary, Mary, Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary
Songs of the Holy Trinity | Music Collection | Holy Trinity
Songs of the Cross | Music Collection | Cross, Jesus
Songs Of The Servant | Music Collection | Songs and Hymns dedicated to the Servants of the Lord, both clergy and laity
Songs to Jesus | Music Collection | Songs and Hymns dedicated to Jesus, Holy Son of the Living God
Songs To Mary : Part 1 | Music Collection | Various Marian Hymns, Mary
Songs To Mary : Part 2 | Music Collection | Various Marian Hymns, Mary
Songs To Mary - Annunciation, Magnificat and Assumption | Music Collection | Trilogy of songs dedicated to the Annunciation, the Magnificat and the Assumption
Songs to the Holy Spirit | Music Collection | Songs and Hymns dedicated to the Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Paraclete
Traditional Christmas Carols | Music Collection | Various Christian Christmas Carols
Traditional Christmas Carols - SFDS 2023 Christmas Concert | Music Collection | Various Christian Christmas Carols
More Traditional Christmas Carols | Music Collection | Various Christian Christmas Carols
Ubi Caritas | Music Collection | Taizé, Chant Mode VI, Hymn
Song Title (with link to YouTube Video) | Artist | Usage
A Hallelujah Christmas | Cloverton, sung by Saturday 7pm Youth Choir | Christmas
A Voice Cries Out | Michael Joncas | Advent, Opening
Abba, Father | Carey Landry | God, Father, Offertory, Discipleship
Abide With Me | Henry Francis Lyte, William Henry Monk. | Opening, Offertory, Funeral
Adoro Te Devote | St. Thomas Aquinas | Adoration, Corpus Christi, Eucharist
Again We Keep This Solemn Fast | Traditional | Lenten Hymn, Jesus, desert
Ain’t Got Time To Die | Hall Johnson | Easter, Resurrection, Jesus
All Glory, Laud and Honour | Theodulf of Orleans, John Mason Neale, William Monk | Palm Sunday, Passion Sunday
All Praise and Glad Thanksgiving | Melvin Farrell, Traditional Hymn | Closing Hymn, Thanksgiving, Praise
Alleluia, Sing To Jesus | William Dix, Traditional | Jesus, Easter, Christ the King, Ascension
All That Is Hidden | Bernadette Farrell | Opening, Offertory, Lent, Discipleship
All That We Have | Gary Ault | Opening, Offertory | Purchase Here
Alma Redemptoris Mater | Chant, sung by Anno Domini Chamber Singers | Marian Hymn
Alma Redemptoris Mater | Palestrina, sung by Anno Domini Chamber Singers | Marian Hymn
Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) | John Newton, Chris Tomlin, Louie Giglio, James Koerts | Opening, Funeral, Offertory, Closing, Grace
An Old Irish Blessing | Kevin Keil | Anthem, St. Patrick’s Day
Angels We Have Heard On High | Traditional Christmas Carol, James Chadwick | Christmas
Angels We Have Heard On High | Traditional Christmas Carol, arranged by Steven Strite | Christmas
Anima Christi | Jandi Arboleda, Arnold Zamora | Lent, Divine Mercy, Body and Blood of Christ
Anima Christi (Add’l Recording) | Jandi Arboleda, Arnold Zamora | Lent, Divine Mercy, Body and Blood of Christ
As I Have Done For You | Dan Schutte, sung by SFDS Combined Choirs | Holy Thursday, Lent, Washing of the Feet
Ashes | Tom Conry | Ash Wednesday, Lent
At The Lamb’s High Feast | Jakob Hintze, J.S.Bach | Easter, Resurrection
Attende Domine | Catholic Chant | Lent, Prelude, Anthem, Latin
Ave Maria | Traditional Catholic Chant | Marian Chant, Marian Hymn, Mary
Ave Maria | Franz Schubert | Marian Hymn, Mary, Prelude, Anthem, Funeral
Ave Maria | Giulio Caccini | Marian Hymn, Mary, Prelude, Anthem
Ave Maria | Thomas W. Jefferson | Marian Hymn, Mary, Prelude, Gospel
Ave Maria | Daniel Kantor | Marian Hymn, Mary
Ave Maria (Mary Sing With Joyful Heart) | Steve Angrisano | Marian Hymn, Mary, Prelude, Anthem, Joyful Mysteries
Ave Maris Stella | Cantica Sacra, sung by Anno Domini Chamber Singers | Marian Hymn, Mary, Star of the Sea
Ave Verum Corpus | W. A. Mozart, sung by SFDS Combined Choirs | Latin, Body & Blood of Christ, Eucharist, Divine Mercy, Corpus Christi
Awaken and Prepare Us | Mark Hayes, Herb Frombach | Advent song, Advent hymn, Advent anthem, features Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
Baptized In Water | Michael Saward, Randall DeBruyn | Easter Vigil, Sprinkling Rite, Baptism
Be Not Afraid | Bob Dufford, SJ | Hope, Consolation, Trust, Funeral, Lent, Storm
Be Still | Mary McDonald | Peace, Comfort, Funeral
Be Still, My Soul | Catharina von Schlegel, tr. Jane Laurie Borthwick, tune of 'FINLANDIA' Jean Sibelius | Comfort, Healing, Faith, Funeral
Be Thou My Vision (Female Singer Version) | Mary Byrne, sung by Saturday 5pm Choir | Entrance Hymn, Opening Hymn, Closing Hymn, Irish Tune, Celtic Hymn
Be Thou My Vision (Male Singer Version) | Mary Byrne | Entrance Hymn, Opening Hymn, Closing Hymn, Irish Tune, Celtic Hymn
Be Thou My Vision (Choir Version) | Mary Byrne | Entrance Hymn, Opening Hymn, Closing Hymn, Irish Tune, Celtic Hymn
Because the Lord Is My Shepherd | Christopher Walker | Shepherd, Psalm 23
Behold The Lamb | Martin Willett | Communion, Eucharist
Beyond The Days | Ricky Manalo | Lent, Desert, Opening
Bless the Lord, My Soul | Taizé, Jacques Berthier | Praise, Chant, Advent, Lent
Bread of Life | Bernadette Farrell | Communion, Eucharist, Corpus Christi
Bread of Life | Rory Cooney | Communion, Eucharist, Corpus Christi
Carol Of The Bells | Mykola Leontovychm, Peter J. Wilhousky, sung by Saturday 5pm Youth Choir | Christmas, Carol
Child Of The Poor | William DIx, Scott Soper, sung by Saturday 5pm Youth Choir | Christmas, Carol, Epiphany
Children Of The Light | Eugene O’Reilly, Douglas Mackay | First Communion, Confirmation, Children’s Liturgy, School Mass Music
Christ Be Beside Me | Fr. James Quinn, BUNESSAN | St. Patrick’s Breastplate, Jesus
Christ Be Our Light | Bernadette Farrell | Opening, Lent, Light
Christ Is Arisen (Easter Sequence) | Randall DeBruyn, Victimae Paschali Laudes | Easter Sequence
City Of God | Dan Schutte / Jane Holstein | Entrance Song, Opening Hymn, Closing Hymn, Jerusalem
Come Jesus Prince of Peace | Diane Hannibal & Brad Nix | Advent, Offertory
Come O Holy Spirit | Beethoven, arranged by Owen Alstott | Pentecost, Holy Spirit, Confirmation
Come See My Saviour | Susan & Lee Dengler | Lent, Good Friday
Come To Me and Find Rest | Kevin Memley | Comfort, Peace, Lent
Come To The Lord | Steve Angrisano, Tom Tomaszek, arr. by Rick Modlin | Opening, Discipleship
Come To The Water | John Foley | Offertory, Water, Baptism
Come to the Water | Choral Arrangement, John Foley, Jack Schrader | Offertory, Water, Baptism
Create In Me (Psalm 51) | Victor C. Johnson | Psalm, Lent, Forgiveness, Confirmation
Crown Him With Many Crowns | Traditional | Christ The King, Jesus, Ascension
Days of Elijah | Robin Mark | Praise and Worship, Elijah, Moses, Ezekial
Dona Nobis Pacem | Traditional Latin Round | Peace, Latin
Down To The River To Pray | Traditional Spiritual, arranged by Sheldon Curry | Water, Forgiveness, Baptism
Eat This Bread | Jacques Berthier | Taizé, Corpus Christi, Body and Blood of Christ, First Communion
Enniscorthy Carol | Traditional Basque Carol, arr. by Emil Alwyn | Christmas, Epiphany, Three Wise Men
Exodus 15: Let Us Sing To The Lord | T. Barrett Armstrong | Easter Vigil, Psalm, Prophet Miriam, Moses
Exodus 15: Let Us Sing To The Lord | Roger Holtz | Easter Vigil, Psalm, Prophet Miriam, Moses
Father I Have Sinned (With Piano) | Fr. Eugene O'Reilly | Forgiveness, Prodigal Son, Offertory, Karaoke, Minus One, Instrumental
Father I Have Sinned (A Cappella) | Fr. Eugene O'Reilly, arranged by Matthew Willcott | Forgiveness, Prodigal Son, Offertory
Follow Me (To The Sea) | Ray Repp | Water, Discipleship, First Communion, Catholic Folk Music
For I Know | Kevin Memley | Discipleship, Confirmation, Mission, First Communion, Priesthood, Holy Orders
Freedom Is Coming | Anders Nyberg | Advent, Hope
Gather At The River | Brian Tate | Baptism, Water
Gather The People | Dan Schutte | Opening, Gathering, Thanksgiving, Feast, Wedding
Give Thanks and Glorify His Name | Lloyd Larson | Thanksgiving, Feast, Praise
Gloria | Latin Chant from Graduale Romanum, sung by Sunday 7pm Choir & Friends | Mass Parts, Glory To God, Ascension, Latin
Gift of Finest Wheat | Omer Westendorf, Robert Kreutz | Communion, Eucharist, Parable of the Sower
Go Into The World | Tom Booth | Mission, Closing Hymn, Closing Song, Discipleship, Poor
Go Make Of All Disciples | Traditional Hymn | Ascension, Discipleship, Mission, Closing
God Has Chosen Me | Bernadette Farrell | Discipleship, Stewardship, Confirmation, Closing, Priesthood, Holy Orders
God Has Work For Us To Do | Mark Miller, sung by SFDS Combined Choirs | Discipleship, Stewardship, Volunteer, Social Justice, Priesthood, Holy Orders
God So Loved The World | John Stainer, sung by Anno Domini Chamber Singers | Lent, John 3:16. Good Friday
God’s Peace | Marva Dawn, C.J. Adams | Come Away from Rush and Hurry, Funeral, Memorial, Comfort, Peace
Grace Alone | Scott Wesley Brown and Jeff Nelson, arranged by Molly Ijames | Grace, Discipleship, Trust, Hope
Hail Holy Queen | Danielle Rose & Matt Maher | Mary, Rosary, Marian Hymn
Hail Holy Queen | Version from Sister Act 2, Emerson, Shaiman, sung by Anno Domini Chamber Singers | Mary
Hail Mary, Gentle Woman | Carey Landry | Mary, Assumption, Marian Hymn, Annunciation
Hail, Queen of Heaven (The Ocean Star) | Fr. John Lingard | Marian Hymn, Mary, Assumption
Hallelujah | Leonard Cohen, Roger Emerson | Praise
Hallelujah Chorus | Handel, Sung by SFDS Combined Choirs | Easter, Resurrection, Christmas
Healing River of the Spirit | Ruth Duck, Beach Spring | Healing, Holy Spirit
Here At This Table | Janet Sullivan Whitaker | Communion, Eucharist
Here I Am, Lord | Dan Schutte, arranged by Jack Schrader | Discipleship, Offertory, Stewardship, Priesthood, Holy Orders, First Communion, Confirmation
Heritage Mass | Owen Alstott | Mass Setting
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name | Traditional Hymm, Ignaz Franz | Praise, Hymn, God
Holy Is His Name | John Michael Talbot | Magnificat, Marian Hymn, Mary
Holy Spirit, We’re Calling You | Ed Bolduc | Confirmation, Pentecost, Holy Spirit
Hosea (Come Back To Me) | Weston Priory and Gregory Norbet, arranged by Craig Kingsbury | Lent, Forgiveness
How Great Thou Art | Stuart Hine, arranged by Lloyd Larson | Praise, Funeral, Closing
I Am The Bread Of Life | Sr. Suzanne Toolan | Communion, Eucharist, Corpus Christi, First Communion, Ascension
I Am The Bread Of LIfe (All Verses) | Sr. Suzanne Toolan | Communion, Eucharist, Corpus Christi, First Communion, Ascension
I Come With Joy | Brian Wren, LAND OF REST | First Communion, Jesus, Child of God
I Heard The Voice of Jesus Say | Horatius Bonar, Ralph Vaughan Williams | Jesus, Comfort, Healing
I Know That My Redeemer Lives | Scott Scoper, Sung by Saturday 5pm Choir | Funeral, Memorial, Comfort, Resurrection
I Received the Living God | Living God, Steve Grundy | Communion, Eucharist, Corpus Christi, First Communion, Heaven
I Sing A Maid | Ridge, M. Joncas, sung by Anno Domini Chamber Singers | Mary, Marian Hymn
I Was On The Outside | Marty Haugen, Song of Mark | Healing, Jesus
If Ye Love Me | Thomas Tallis | Commandments
In Christ Alone | Keith Getty, Stuart Townend | Jesus, Christ The King
In Every Age | Janet Sullivan Whitaker | Psalm 90, Offertory, Refuge, Hope
In This Place | Victoria Thomson, Trevor Thomson | Opening Hymn, Entrance Hymn, Gathering Hymn
Isaiah 12 - We Shall Draw Water Joyfully | Paul Inwood | Canticle, Psalm, Easter Vigil
I Will Never Forget You (Isaiah 49) | Carey Landry | Hope, Trust, Faith, Offertory
I Will Rise | Chris Tomlin, arr. by Craig Courtney & Lynda Hasseler, sung by SFDS Combined Choirs | Easter, Ascension, Resurrection
Immaculate Mary | Traditional Hymn | Marian Hymn, Novena, Immaculate Conception
In Every Age | Janet Sullivan Whitaker | Easter Vigil, Offertory
In the Breaking of the Bread | Bob Hurd, Michael Downey, Craig Kingsbury | Emmaus, Communion, Hunger, Eucharist
In The Morning | Tim Crowley & Paul Coates | Funeral, Memorial, Comfort, Resurrection, Heaven
In These Days of Lenten Journey | Ricky Manalo, Gerald Chiusano | Lent, Poor, Service
Jerusalem, My Destiny | Rory Cooney | Lent, Palm Sunday, Jerusalem, Passion
Jesus Christ Is Lord | Ken Canedo | Christ the King, Ascension, Offertory
Jesus Christ Is Risen Today | Traditional Hymn | Easter, Resurrection, Opening, Closing
Jesus, Hope Of The World | Deanna Light, Paul A. Tate | Communion, Jesus
Jesus Is Risen | Traditional Hymn | Easter, Resurrection, Opening, Closing
Jesus, Remember Me | Jacques Berthier | Lent, Taizé, Meditation, Good Friday
Jesus The Lord | Roc O’Connor, arranged by Dan Schutte, sung by Sunday 10:15 Choir | Candlemas, Christ the King, Presentation of the Lord
Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley | American Spiritual | Lent, Spiritual, Desert
Jina La Bwana | Steven Warner, sung by Anno Domini Chamber Singers | Magnificat, Marian Song
Journeysong | Bob Hurd, Craig Kingsbury | Opening, Gathering, Discipleship, Emmaus, Unity, Easter
Joy To The World | Traditional Christmas Carol, Watts, Handel, Mason | Christmas
Jubilate Deo | Peter Anglea | Psalm 100, Ascension, Joy, God, Praise
Keep Me Safe, O God | John Foley | Psalm 16, Comfort, Peace
Laudate Dominum | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | Trinity, Praise, Psalm 117
Lead Me, Lord | John D. Becker | The Beatitudes, Sermon on the Mount
Let There Be Peace On Earth | Sy Miller, Jill Jackson | Peace, God, Family
Lift High The Cross | George Kitchin, Michael Newbolt, Sydney Nicholson | Cross, Easter, Jesus
Like A Shepherd | Bob Dufford SJ | Shepherd, Comfort, Hope, Trust
Litany Of The Saints (Chant) | ICEL | Easter Vigil, Saints
Look Beyond | Darryl Ducote, The Dameans | Communion Hymn, Eucharist, Jesus
Lord of All Hopefulness | SLANE, Jan Struther | St. Patrick’s Day, Hope, Opening Hymn, Closing Hymn, Wedding, Funeral
Lord, Here Am I | Fanny Crosby, Jay Althouse | Confirmation, Sacraments, Discipleship, Priesthood, Holy Orders, First Communion
Lord, We Adore You | Christopher Walker | Lent, Penance, Reconciliation, Jesus, Good Friday
Lord, We Adore You (One Hour Prayer Meditation Video) | Christopher Walker | Lent, Penance, Reconciliation, Jesus, Good Friday
Love Has Come | Matt Maher, arranged by Rick Modlin | Love, Wedding
Lord, You Give the Great Commission | Jeffery Rowthorn, ABBOT’S LEIGHT | Sunday of the Word of God, Ascension, Commission, Discipleship
Lord, You Have Come (To The Seashore) | Fr. Cesáreo Gabaráin | Offertory Hymn, Water, Discipleship
Loving and Forgiving | Scott Soper | Love, Forgiveness, Mercy
Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace | Sebastian Temple, Mark Hayes | Discipleship, Beatitudes, Peace
Maranatha | Janet Sullivan Whitaker | Advent, Opening, Offertory
Maria Mater Gratiae | Fauré, sung by Anno Domini Chamber Singers | Marian Hymn
Mary Did You Know | Mark Lowry and Buddy Greene, arr. by Pentatonix | Christmas, Mary, Marian Hymn
Mary, Woman of the Promise | Mary Frances Fleischaker, Edward Elgar | Marian Hymn, Mary, Advent
Mary’s Boy Child | Jester Hairston | Christmas, Birth of Jesus
Mass Of Creation | Marty Haugen | Mass Setting, Kyrie, Gloria, Gospel Acclamation, Alleluia, Holy Holy, Memorial Acclamation, Great Amen, Lamb of God
Mass Of Wonder | Matthew Willcott | Mass Setting, Kyrie, Gloria, Gospel Acclamation, Alleluia, Holy Holy, Memorial Acclamation, Great Amen, Lamb of God
Merciful God | Mary Louise Bringle, Tony E. Alonso | Lent, Communion, Divine Mercy
My Soul Proclaims | English Translation of Magnificat | Magnificat, Song of Mary, Canticle of Mary
Night of Silence / Silent Night | Daniel Kantor | Christmas Song, Christmas Carol, Baby Jesus
O Canada | Robert Stanley Weir, Calixa Lavallée, George Alfred Grant-Shaefer | Canadian National Anthem
O Christ The Healer | Traditional Hymn | Healing, Prayer, St. Padre Pio
O Come O Come Emmanuel | Traditional Carol | Advent, Christmas, Opening
O Come, All Ye Faithful | Traditional Carol, arr. by Pentatonix and Ben Bram, adapted by Jacob Narverud | Christmas, Epiphany
O Come, Divine Messiah | Traditional French Carol | Advent, Christmas
O God Beyond All Praising | G. Holst, M. Perry, R. Proulx | Praise, Easter, Christ The King, Thanksgiving
O God You Search Me | Bernadette Farrell, sung by SFDS Combined Choirs | Confirmation, First Communion, Discipleship, Offertory, Priesthood, Holy Orders
O Holy Night | Arranged by Sally DeFord | Christmas, Jesus Christmas Eve
O Lord, Hear My Prayer | Jacques Berthier | Taizé Healing, Meditation, Prayer, Lent
O Queen Of Heaven / Regina Caeli | Marian Chant, Gregor Aichinger, sung by Anno Domini Chamber Singers | Mary, Marian Hymn, Chant, Latin
O Sacred Head, Surrounded | Passion Chorale, Hassler, Bach | Good Friday, Passion, Crucifixion, Lent
O Sanctissima | Latin Marian Hymn | Mary, Marian Hymn, Latin
O Sanctissima | Latin Marian Hymn, sung by Anno Domini Chamber Singers | Mary, Marian Hymn, Latin
O Sons and Daughters | O Filii Et Filiae | Easter Sequence, Doubting Thomas, Easter, Jesus
O Triune God | Ken Canedo, Peter Quint, Genevieve Glen | Holy Trinity, Triune God, Father Son and Holy Spirit
O Vos Omnes | Tomás Luis de Victoria, Latin Chant, Responsories, sung by Anno Domini Chamber Singers | Lent, Good Friday
O Word of God | Ricky Manalo, Craig Kingsbury | Psalm 23, Psalm 42, Psalm 146, Meditative, Ostinato
On Eagle's Wings | Michael Joncas | Comfort, Trust, Hope, Funeral, Offertory
On This Day O Beautiful Mother | Traditional Hymn | Mary, Marian Hymn, Offertory
One Bread, One Body | John Foley | Communion Song, Eucharistic Hymn, First Communion
One Day At A Time | Marijohn Wilkin, Kris Kristofferson | Healing, Comfort, Faith
One Love Released | Bob Frenzel, Kevin Keil | Communion Song, Eucharistic Hymn, First Communion, Corpus Christi
Open My Eyes | Jesse Manibusan, Ken Canedo, Ed Bolduc | Healing, RCIA
Our Father | Craig Courtney | Prayer, Lent, Faith
Our God Is Here | Chris Muglia, arr. by Rick Modlin | Opening Hymn, Gathering Song
Our Song Shall Rise To Thee | Joseph Martin | Holy Trinity, Holy Holy Holy
Ours Were The Griefs He Bore | Stephen Dean | Lent, Good Friday
Over My Head | Traditional Spiritual | Easter, Revelation
Palm Sunday Entrance Antiphon | Steve Angrisano, Sarah Hart, Curtis Stephan | Palm Sunday Introit
Pange Lingua | Latin Chant | Holy Thursday, Corpus Christi
Parce Domine | Lenten Lament, Chant | Lent, Ash Wednesday
People Look East | Eleanor Farjeon | Advent Song, Advent Carol
Popule Meus | Tomás Luis de Victoria, Latin Chant, Responsories, sung by Anno Domini Chamber Singers | Lent, Good Friday
Prayer For Healing | Molly Ijames | Healing, Comfort
Prayer Of St. Francis (A Capella) | Allen Pote, arr. by Robert Delgado | Peace Prayer, Peace, St. Francis of Assisi
Prayer Of St. Francis (Accompanied) | Allen Pote, arr. by Robert Delgado | Peace Prayer, Peace, St. Francis of Assisi
Prayer Of St. Francis (Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace) | Sebastian Temple, arr. by Randall DeBruyn | Peace, St. Francis of Assisi
Precious Lord, Take My Hand | Thomas Dorsey, George Allen | Comfort, Consolation, Healing, Offertory
Psalm 16: Keep Me Safe, O God | Ian Callanan | Psalm, Easter Vigil, Bible, Refuge, Protection
Psalm 19: Lord, You Have The Words (Of Everlasting Life) | Michael Joncas | Psalm, Easter Vigil, Bible
Psalm 30: I Will Praise You, Lord | Roger Holtz | Easter Vigil, Praise
Psalm 42 & 43: Like A Deer | Paul Inwood | Easter Vigil, Psalm, Bible
Psalm 103: The Lord Is Kind and Merciful | Marty Haugen | Divine Mercy, Jesus, Forgiveness
Psalm 104: Lord, Send Out Your Spirit | Ken Canedo, sung by Sunday 7pm Choir & Friends | Pentecost, Psalm, Easter Vigil, Holy Spirit, Confirmation
Psalm 118: Easter Alleluia & This Is The Day | Michael Joncas | Easter Vigil, Psalm
Refuge | Keith Christopher | Comfort, Hope, Trust
Rejoice, Be Glad | Adam Tice and Kate Williams | Beatitudes, Sermon on the Mount
Revelation Song | Jennie Lee Riddle, David Angerman | Easter Vigil, Anthem, Easter, Resurrection, Holy Holy
River of Glory | Dan Schutte | Baptism of our Lord, Christian Initiation
Salvator Mundi (Salva Nos) | Taizé, Jacques Berthier | Lent, Jesus, Cross, Latin, Taizé, Chant, Meditation
Salve Regina | Traditional Marian Antiphon, sung by Anno Domini Chamber Singers | Mary, Marian Hymn, Latin
Seed Scattered and Sown | Dan Feiten | Communion, Eucharist, Parable of the Sower
Seek The Lord | Roc O’Connor | Closing Hymn, Discipleship, Faith, God
Seek Ye First | Karen Lafferty, Douglas E. Wagner | Discipleship, Faith, Trust
Sent Forth By God’s Blessing | Omer Westendorf, ASH GROVE | Discipleship, Jesus, Closing Hymn
Servant Song | Donna McGargill | Service, Stewardship, Discipleship, First Communion, Confirmation, Offertory, Priesthood, Holy Orders
Servant Song (Updated version with all verses) | Donna McGargill | Service, Stewardship, Discipleship, First Communion, Confirmation, Offertory, Priesthood, Holy Orders, Marian Hymn, Rosary
Shelter Me, O God | Bob Hurd, Craig Kingsbury | Comfort, Trust, Help
Shout Hallelujah To The Risen Lamb | Victor Johnson, sung by SFDS Combined Choirs | Easter, Resurrection
Shout To The Lord | Darlene Zschech, arr. by L. White | Praise, Worship, Opening
Signed By Ashes | Text by Maryanne Quinlivan, Music by Kevin Keil | Ash Wednesday, Mercy, Forgiveness, Lent
Siyahamba | South African Hymn, arr. by Anders Nyberg | Light, Opening
Songs of the Angels | Bob Dufford, Dan Schutte | Funeral, Memorial, Angels, Comfort
Soon and Very Soon | Andraé Crouch, William Smith | Advent Song, Second Coming, Gospel
Spirit and Grace | Ricky Manalo, Craig Kingsbury | Communion Hymn, Corpus Christi, First Communion, Confirmation, Pentecost
Stay With Me | Jacques Berthier, Taizé | Chant, Meditation
Table of Plenty | Dan Schutte | Communion, Wedding Feast
Take Up Your Cross | Traditional Hymn, Charles Everest, J.S. Bach | Cross, Jesus
Tantum Ergo | St. Thomas Aquinas | Chant, Adoration, Benediction, Blessed Sacrament, Eucharist
Taste and See | Tom Kendzia | Communion, First Communion, Eucharist, Corpus Christi
Taste and See | James E. Moore Jr. | Communion, First Communion, Eucharist, Corpus Christi
Tis Good Lord To Be Here | Joseph Robinson, Johann Speiss | Transfiguration
The Angel Gabriel From Heaven Came (Gabriel's Message) | Traditional Carol, arr. by Gail Lund | Advent, Annunciation, Mary, Marian Hymn, Christmas
The Cry Of The Poor | John Foley | Poverty, Stewardship, Prayer
The First Noel | Traditional Christmas Carol | Christmas, Epiphany, Three Kings Day
The Glory of These Forty Days | Traditional Lenten Hymn | St. Gregory the Great, ERHALT UNS, HERR | Lent, Transfiguration
The Greatest Of These Is Love | Tina English, arr. by Jay Rouse | Love, Wedding, Corinthians
The King Of Love My Shepherd Is | Traditional Hymn, H.W. Baker | Shepherd, Psalm 23, Offertory
The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns | John Brownlie | Advent Song, Advent Carol
The Lord is my Shepherd | Howard Goodall | Good Shepherd, Jesus, Psalm 23
The Passion Of Our Lord Jesus Christ | Good Friday, St. John’s Passion Gospel
The Servant Song | Richard Gillard, Betty Pulkingham | Service, Discipleship, Stewardship, Offertory, Priesthood, Holy Orders
The Strife Is O’er | Palestrina, Monk, sung by Anno Domini Chamber Singers | Easter, Resurrection, Praise
The Summons | John Bell, Arr. by Gary Daigle | Discipleship, Good Shepherd, Jesus
The Supper Of The Lord | Laurence Rosania | Communion, Eucharist, Holy Thursday
The Tomb Stands Open Wide | Lloyd Larson | Easter, Hymn To Joy
There Is No Rose | Britten, sung by Anno Domini Chamber Singers | Marian Hymn
Three Days | Gustav Holst, MD Ridge, Jeffrey Honoré | Easter, Resurrection, Jesus
To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King | Martin Hellriegl | Feast of Christ the King
Transfiguration | Brian Wren, Ricky Manalo | Offertory, Transfiguration
Turn Our Hearts To You O God | Barbara Bridge | Mercy, Lent, Organ, Forgiveness
Turn To Me | John Foley | Mercy, Forgiveness, Lent, Repentance
Two Were Bound for Emmaus | Bob Hurd | Easter, Sea of Tiberius, Emmaus
Ubi Caritas (Et Amor) | Jacques Berthier | Taizé, Holy Thursday, Charity, Love, Meditation
Ubi Caritas (Est Vera) | Chant Mode VI | Gregorian Chant, Holy Thursday, Charity, Love, Meditation
Ubi Caritas | Bob Hurd, Craig Kingsbury | Hymn, Holy Thursday, Charity, Love, Communion
Veni Creator Spiritus | Latin & English Chant, translation by James D. Quinn | Pentecost Sequence, Holy Spirit, Confirmation
Veni Sance Spiritus | Christopher Walker | Pentecost Sequence, Holy Spirit, Confirmation
Victimae Paschale Laudes | Latin Chant, sung by Anno Domini Chamber Singers | Easter Sequence, Easter, Latin
Wait For The Lord | Jacques Berthier | Advent, Taizé, Meditation
We Are One Body | Dana Scallon, arr. by Matthew Willcott, sung by SFDS Combined Choirs | Stewardship, World Youth Day
We Three Kings | John Hopkins | Christmas, Ephiphany
We Walk By Faith | Marty Haugen, Henry Alford | Faith, 2 Corinthians, Hebrews, Abraham, Doubting Thomas
Were You There | Traditional Spiritual, sung by SFDS Combined Choirs | Lent, Good Friday, Meditation
What A Beautiful Name | Hillsong | Christ the King, Jesus the Lord, Gospel, Praise, Worship, Ascension
What Child is This | Traditional Carol, William Dix, arr. by John Stainer | Christmas, Epiphany
What Wondrous Love Is This (Choir) | Traditional Hymn | Lent, John 3:16, Easter
What Wondrous Love Is This (Solo) | Traditional Hymn | Lent, John 3:16, Easter
Whatsoever You Do (to the least of my people) | Willard F. Jabusch (Jabush) | Social Justice, Good Samaritan, Matthew 25, Luke 10, Jesus
When Jesus Wept | William Billings, sung by Anno Domini Chamber Singers | Lent, Good Friday, Meditation
Who But The Lord | Craig Courtney | Faith, Hope, Trust, Comfort, Peace, Healing
Yes, My Jesus Loves Me | Anna Warner, Mary McDonald | First Communion, Baptism, Christening
You Are Mine | David Haas | Comfort, Discipleship, Comfort, Healing, Faith, First Communion, Confirmation, Funeral
Your Words Are Spirit and Life | Bernadette Farrell | Psalm, Commandments, Faith