Music of the Mass | 8 Entrance Songs | 8 Opening Catholic Hymns | Choir w/ Lyrics
Here are 8 well known Entrance Songs and Opening Hymns sung at Churches throughout the world, sung by the Sunday 7pm Choir.
Recorded live at St. Francis de Sales Parish by the Sunday 7pm Choir in Ajax, ON Canada. Thanks for listening and God bless. 🙏
0:00 City of God | Dan Schutte / Jane Holstein
3:44 Here I Am, Lord | Dan Schutte / Jack Schrader
6:44 Come to the Lord | Steve Angrisano / Tom Tomaszek
10:05 All That Is Hidden | Bernadette Farrell / Paul Inwood
12:06 Be Thou My Vision | Mary Burne
15:03 Gather The People | Dan Schutte
16:58 Journeysong | Bob Hurd / Craig Kingsbury
19:24 Our God Is Here | Chris Muglia / Rick Modlin
Music of the Mass Part 2 | 12 More Hymns & Music For A Catholic Mass | Church