16th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - The Good Shepherd & “The Summons”
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - The Good Shepherd & “The Summons”
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - Our Mission & “Songs for the Journey”
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - Our Mission & “Songs for the Journey”
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - Prophets and “For You Are My God”
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - Prophets and “For You Are My God”
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - Arise and “I Was On The Outside”
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - Arise and “I Was On The Outside”
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - In the Storm and “Be Still, My Soul”
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - In the Storm and “Be Still, My Soul”
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - The Mustard Seed & “Let There Be Peace On Earth”
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - The Mustard Seed & “Let There Be Peace On Earth”
The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ - Year B - Corpus Christi & “Laud, O Zion”
The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ - Year B - Corpus Christi & “Laud, O Zion”
The Most Holy Trinity - Year B - Trinity Sunday & “Holy Trinity Songs”
The Most Holy Trinity - Year B - Trinity Sunday & “Holy Trinity Songs”
Pentecost Sunday - Year B - Pentecost & “Holy Spirit, We’re Calling You”
Pentecost Sunday - Year B -Pentecost & “Holy Spirit, We’re Calling You”
Ascension Of The Lord - Year B - Ascension Sunday & ‘Mother Mary’
Ascension Of The Lord - Year B - Ascension Sunday & ‘Mother Mary’
5th Sunday of Easter - Year B - The True Vine & “O Word of God”
5th Sunday of Easter - Year B - The True Vine & “O Word of God”
3rd Sunday of Easter - Year B - Come, Lord Jesus & “Two Were Bound for Emmaus”
3rd Sunday of Easter - Year B - Come, Lord Jesus & “Two Were Bound for Emmaus”
2nd Sunday of Easter - Year B - Divine Mercy Sunday & “The Lord Is Kind and Merciful”
2nd Sunday of Easter - Year B - Divine Mercy Sunday & “The Lord Is Kind and Merciful”
Easter Sunday - Year B - Happy Easter & “Christ Is Arisen”
Easter Sunday - Year B - Happy Easter & “Christ Is Arisen”
Palm Sunday - Year B - Palm Sunday & “Entrance Antiphon”
Palm Sunday - Year B - Palm Sunday & “Entrance Antiphon”
5th Sunday of Lent - Year B - 5th Sunday of Lent and “Lord of All Hopefulness”
5th Sunday of Lent - Year B - 5th Sunday of Lent and “Lord of All Hopefulness”
4th Sunday of Lent - Year B - 4th Sunday of Lent and “Jesus, Remember Me”
4th Sunday of Lent - Year B - 4th Sunday of Lent and “Jesus, Remember Me”
3rd Sunday of Lent - Year B - 3rd Sunday of Lent & “Amazing Grace / My Chains Are Gone”
3rd Sunday of Lent - Year B - 3rd Sunday of Lent & “Amazing Grace / My Chains Are Gone”
2nd Sunday of Lent - Year B - Transfiguration & “Lord, Here Am I'“
2nd Sunday of Lent - Year B - Transfiguration & “Lord, Here Am I'“
1st Sunday of Lent - Year B - In The Desert & “Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley”
1st Sunday of Lent - Year B - In The Desert & “Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley”