Ash Wednesday - Year B - Lent 2024 and “Hymns for Lent”
Ash Wednesday - Year B - Lent 2024 and “Hymns for Lent”
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - A Miracle of Healing and “Healing River of the Spirit”
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - A Miracle of Healing and “Healing River of the Spirit”
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - Listen to His Voice & “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say”
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - Listen to His Voice & “I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say”
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - The Call and “Come To Me and Find Rest”
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - The Call and “Come To Me and Find Rest”
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - The Lord Is Calling and “Heritage Mass” Setting
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - The Lord Is Calling and “Heritage Mass” Setting
4th Sunday of Advent - Year B - The Christmas Gospel & “Angels We Have Heard On High”
4th Sunday of Advent - Year B - The Christmas Gospel & “Angels We Have Heard On High”
3rd Sunday in Advent - Year B - Gaudete Sunday & 2023 St. Francis de Sales Christmas Concert
3rd Sunday in Advent - Year B - Gaudete Sunday & 2023 St. Francis de Sales Christmas Concert
2nd Sunday of Advent - Year B - Prepare the Way and “More Traditional Christmas Carols”
2nd Sunday of Advent - Year B - Prepare the Way and “More Traditional Christmas Carols”
1st Sunday of Advent - Year B - First Sunday of Advent & “More Songs of Advent”
1st Sunday of Advent - Year B - First Sunday of Advent & “More Songs of Advent”
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe - Year A - Christ the King & “Because the Lord Is My Shepherd”
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe - Year A - Christ the King & “Because the Lord Is My Shepherd”
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A - Use Your Talents & “Give Thanks To The Lord”
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A - Use Your Talents & “Give Thanks To The Lord”
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A - Be Ready & “Table of Plenty”
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A - Be Ready & “Table of Plenty”
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A - The Humble Shall Be Exalted & “Hallelujah”
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A - The Humble Shall Be Exalted & “Hallelujah”
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A - Love Thy Neighbor & “Rejoice, Be Glad”
Love Thy Neighbor & “Rejoice, Be Glad” | Music for the 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time | Year A
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A - Trust in God & “I Say Yes, My Lord”
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A - Trust in God & “I Say Yes, My Lord”
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A - Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A - Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A - Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary
Music for the Feast of our Lady of the Rosary
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A - Seek The Lord
Seek The Lord | Music for the 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time | Year A
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A - Loving and Forgiving
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A - Loving and Forgiving
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A -Accountability & “All Praise and Glad Thanksgiving”
Accountability and “All Praise and Glad Thanksgiving” | Music for the 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time | Year A