33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - The Son of Man Comes in Glory & “Keep Me Safe, O God”

In this weekend’s Gospel (Mark 13:24-32), Jesus tells about the end of the world, that the Son of Man will come in glory, and that no one knows the exact time of this happening. He says, “Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” This weekend’s Psalm (Psalm 16) also calls for the Lord to protect us during these difficult times.

In honour of the Psalm and Gospel this weekend, we would like to share our latest video, “Psalm 16: Keep Me Safe, O God”, the actual Psalm for this 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. This live recording was sung at the 2021 Easter Vigil at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Ajax, Ontario, Canada.

Video can be found here or by clicking the picture below:


Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe - Year B - Jesus Christ, King of the Universe & Songs of Christmas


32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - The Poor Widow and “Collection of Offertory Hymns”