What Wondrous Love Is This | Lent Songs | Choir with Lyrics | Catholic Music

A beautiful hymn for Lent and throughout the year that expresses awe at the love of God and is reminiscent of the text of John 3:16 (featured at the end of the video). Thanks for listening and God bless.

Recorded virtually by the Sunday 7pm Choir from St. Francis de Sales Parish in Ajax, ON Canada.

Song Title: What Wondrous Love Is This

Artist(s): Traditional Hymn, Text: Anonymous (1811), Music: Wondrous Love, William Walker (1835), arranged by Randall DeBruyn

Publisher: Arrangement ©1990 OCP

Where to Purchase: https://www.ocp.org/en-us/songs/403/what-wondrous-love-is-this



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