Music of the Mass | 8 Beloved Communion Songs | Catholic Hymns | Choir w/ Lyrics

Presenting a collection of 8 of the most beloved Communion Hymns and Catholic Eucharistic Songs sung at Churches throughout the world, sung by the Sunday 7pm Choir.

Recorded live at St. Francis de Sales Parish by the Sunday 7pm Choir in Ajax, ON Canada. Thanks for listening and God bless.

0:00 I Am The Bread Of Life | Suzanne Toolan

3:33 Taste And See | James E. Moore Jr.

6:56 Seed, Scattered and Sown | Dan Feiten

11:38 The Supper Of The Lord | Laurence Rosania

15:37 Eat This Bread | Jacques Berthier (Taizé)

19:00 One Bread, One Body | John Foley

24:04 I Received The Living God | Arr. by Steve Grundy

28:09 Behold The Lamb | Martin Willett


Music of the Mass | 8 Beloved Offertory Songs | Catholic Hymns | Choir w/ Lyrics


Music of the Mass | 14 Hymns & Music For A Catholic Mass | Catholic Church Music Video and Hymns