Music of the Mass | 14 Hymns & Music For A Catholic Mass | Catholic Church Music Video and Hymns

This video has been created for Catholics, Parishes and Masses where music or music ministers are not available to supply music for the liturgy (i.e. due to COVID-19 issues). Our hope is that by combining music for all the parts of the Catholic Mass into one video, this video will become a valuable resource for our Catholic community around the world.

Video : Song Name and Time Stamps

1) Entrance Hymn - Gather The People by Dan Schutte (0:17)

2) Kyrie - From Mass of Wonder by Matthew Willcott (2:11)

3) Gloria - From Mass of Creation by Marty Haugen (2:53)

4) Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 51 Create In Me by B. Hurd & C. Kingsbury (5:22)

5) Gospel Acclamation & Lenten Gospel Acclamation - From Mass of Wonder by Matthew Willcott (8:16 & 9:12)

6) Offertory Hymn - All That We Have by Gary Ault (10:11)

7) Holy Holy Holy | Memorial Acclamation | Great Amen - From Mass of Creation by Marty Haugen (13:05 | 13:52 | 14:17)

8) Our Father | Our Father by Craig Courtney (14:48)

9) Lamb of God - From Mass of Creation by Marty Haugen (18:36)

10) Communion Hymn - Here At This Table by Janet Sullivan Whittaker (19:58)

11) Communion Anthem - Ave Verum Corpus by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (24:21)

12) Closing Hymn - Go Make Of All Disciples by Leon Adkins (27:07)


Music of the Mass | 8 Beloved Communion Songs | Catholic Hymns | Choir w/ Lyrics