Father I Have Sinned (Help Me Find My Way) | Prodigal Son Song | Choir/Piano + Instrumental Version

This classic Catholic song video, that has both a Choir w/ Lyrics version and an Instrumental (Minus One / Karaoke) version, retells the parable of the Prodigal Son, his plea for forgiveness from his Father, and the Father's unconditional love. May we all find solace in God's love and forgiveness. Thanks to Fr. Eugene O'Reilly for this beautiful hymn.

Recorded live by Sunday 7pm Choir at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Ajax, Ontario, Canada. Thanks for listening and God bless. πŸ™

Song Title: Father, I Have Sinned

Artist(s): Words and Music by Eugene O'Reilly

Where to Purchase Music: https://redemptorists.ca/redemptorist-music/


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