Songs to the Holy Spirit | Holy Spirit Songs | Pentecost Hymns | Choir w/Lyrics

A collection of 10 beautiful hymns dedicated to the Holy Spirit. These Catholic and other Christian songs are perfect for Pentecost, Confirmations, Baptisms, Christenings and during Ordinary Time where the readings and Gospels reference the Holy Spirit.

Recorded live by Sunday 7pm Choir at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Ajax, ON Canada. Thanks for listening and God bless! πŸ™

Time Stamp

0:00 Veni Sancte Spiritus

2:27 One Love Released

5:59 Send Us Your Spirit

8:23 Creator Spirit, By Whose Aid

9:56 Baptized In Water

11:54 Come, O Holy Spirit

13:29 Veni, Creator Spiritus

16:36 Come, Holy Ghost

18:12 Spirit and Grace

21:44 Lord, Send Out Your Spirit


Here I Am, Lord | Dan Schutte | SATB Choir with Lyrics | I The Lord Of Sea And Sky | Catholic Hymn


O God, You Search Me | B. Farrell | Catholic Church Choir