Hymns of Lent, Catholic Lenten Songs | Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday 2024 | Choir Lyrics
Music of the Mass | Hymns of Lent is a new 90 minute collection of Catholic and other Christian choral music for the Lenten season. A collection of 20 Lenten Hymns, Chants and Songs in honour of the 40 days and 40 nights of preparation, fasting and sacrifice before the Holy Triduum.
Recorded live by the Sunday 7pm Choir and the SFDS Combined Choir at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Ajax, Ontario, Canada. Thank you for listening and God bless! 🙏
0:00 Lord Who Throughout These Forty Days
1:48 Attende Domine
4:05 God So Loved The World
7:56 Pange Lingua
10:39 Again We Keep This Solemn Fast
13:14 Parce Domine
14:58 Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley
16:53 What Wondrous Love Is This
20:08 Salvator Mundi
22:04 Were You There
28:19 O Sacred Head Surrounded
31:28 Popule Meus
34:17 Father Into Your Hands (Psalm 31)
38:41 Stay With Me
44:23 When Jesus Wept
47:30 The Seven Last Words From The Cross (O Vos Omnes)
53:18 Ours Were The Griefs He Bore
55:56 Miserere Mei Deus
1:01:37 Lord, We Adore You
1:05:36 The Passion Of Our Lord Jesus Christ According to John