One Day At A Time (Sweet Jesus) | Choir & Piano with Lyrics | Christian Song

“One Day At A Time” is a well-known Christian and country song, recorded by hundreds of artists over the years, that was originally written by Marijohn Wilkin during a difficult time in her life.

At a low point in her life and after having a brief chat with a young minister, she went home, sat down at the piano and began to play and sing—out loud—the entire chorus to ‘One Day at a Time.’ "It just dropped into my heart. And when I had finished singing, my ‘Nashville mind’ said, ‘That’s a hit!’ That was the first thing that popped into my head. I then recognized that the song was a prayer—and I got some relief."

“I wrote the chorus on the back of an envelope as fast as I could write. I then continued to sing, ‘Do You remember when You walked among men? Well, Jesus, You know, if You’re looking below, it’s worse now than then.’ I wasn’t quite sure the Lord knew where I was. I’d never quit believing in Him, but I was in Nashville and God was in heaven, and never the twain shall meet. I really didn’t know if God actually knew where I was. I realize that some don’t believe that, but that was where I was at the time."

Recorded live by Sunday 7pm Choir at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Ajax, ON Canada. Thanks for listening and God bless! 🙏

Song Title: One Day At A Time

Artist(s): Music by Marijohn Wilkin and Kris Kristofferson



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