One Bread One Body | Communion Hymn / Catholic Song | John Foley | Choir w/Lyrics

A beloved and well-known communion hymn used in Churches around the world, 'One Bread, One Body' by John Foley is a beautiful song based on 1 Corinthians and other Scripture that reminds all Christians 'We are one body in this one Lord.'

Recorded live by Sunday 7pm Choir at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Ajax, ON Canada. Thanks for listening and God bless! πŸ™

Song Title: One Bread, One Body

Artist(s): John Foley

Publisher: Β©1978 John B. Foley, S.J., and OCP

Where to Purchase Music:


You Are Mine | David Haas | SATB Choir w/Lyrics | Catholic Hymn


I Am The Bread of Life | Suzanne Toolan with Lyrics | Catholic Hymn Song | Sunday 7pm Choir