Songs of Meditation | Catholic Morning and Night Prayers | Catholic Meditation | Advent Music

"Songs of Meditation" is a collection of 8 meditative a cappella (without instrumental accompaniment) pieces to accompany your morning and evening prayers and meditations. Our hope is that these Taizé and ostinato (a continually repeated musical phrase) songs inspire ‘peace within you’, and helps you prepare for Advent and the coming of Christ.

The image on the thumbnail is "The Pensive Christ", a subject in Christian iconography depicting a contemplating Jesus, sitting with his head supported by his hand. The Pensive Christ is much more common in sculpture than in painting, where the similar Man of Sorrows is more often depicted.

Recorded live by Sunday 7pm Choir at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Ajax, ON Canada. Thanks for listening and God bless! 🙏

Time Stamp

0:00 O Lord, Hear My Prayer

4:11 Jesus, Remember Me

8:31 Bless the Lord, My Soul

13:20 Lord, We Adore You

17:17 Wait For The Lord

21:11 Ubi Caritas

23:19 Gather at the River

28:11 Salvator Mundi


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