Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus | Advent Hymn | Janet Sullivan Whitaker | Choir with Lyrics

'Maranatha' is an Aramaic phrase that means 'Come, Lord'. This beautiful Advent hymn by Janet Sullivan Whitaker evokes the longing of a people for their Saviour, Jesus Christ.

This is the first video we're releasing of our Parish's very talented Sunday 10:15am Choir! Thank you for letting us share your talents with the world!

This is also the first video where we use the gorgeous animations of . Be sure to check out their digital resources for all your Parish needs.

Song Title: Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus

Artist(s): Music by Janet Sullivan Whitaker

Publisher: ©2002, OCP

Where to Purchase Music:


Here I Am, Lord | Dan Schutte | SATB Choir with Lyrics | I The Lord Of Sea And Sky | Catholic Hymn


Christ Be Our Light | B.Farell | SATB Choir with Lyrics & Descant