Jesus, Hope of the World | Deanna Light & Paul Tate | Catholic Choir w/Lyrics

“Jesus, Hope of the World” is a beautiful, reflective hymn by Deanna Light and Paul Tate whose lyrics remind us that Jesus is the 'hope of the world, and the light in our darkness'. Perfect for a communion or offertory hymn.

Recorded live by the Sunday 7pm Choir & Friends at St. Francis de Sales Church in Ajax, ON Canada. Thanks for listening and subscribing, and God bless!

Song Title: Jesus, Hope of the World

Artist(s): Music by Deanna Light & Paul A. Tate

Publisher: ©2001 World Library Publications

Where to Purchase:


Ave Verum Corpus | Mozart | Lyrics with translation | Blessed Sacrament


Pange Lingua | Catholic Hymn & Chant | Holy Thursday/Corpus Christi | Latin (w/ English translation)