God's Peace | Come Away From Rush and Hurry | Beach Spring | Choir with Lyrics

"God's Peace" is a beautiful hymn calling the faithful to 'come away from rush and hurry to the stillness of God's peace.' This prayerful song is a beautiful musical complement for your Lenten, penance, and reconciliation prayers and meditations. The meditative hymn text also draws from Psalm 23, with references to the table of the Lord, where all are fed and thirsts are quenched, making it ideal for a communion anthem.

Recorded live by the Sunday 7pm Choir at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Ajax, Ontario Canada. Thanks for listening and God bless! 🙏

Song Title: God's Peace

Artist(s): Words by Marva J. Dawn, Choral Setting by C.J.Adams

Publisher: ©2012 Hope Publishing

Where to Purchase Music: https://www.hopepublishing.com/W3514_GODS_PEACE/



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