Gloria | Latin Chant | Glory to God | Choir with Lyrics (Latin & English)
'Gloria In Excelsis Deo' (Glory to God) or 'Gloria' is a hymn sung or recited at Catholic Mass, after the Kyrie (Lord Have Mercy) on Sundays outside of Lent and Advent, during the octaves of Easter and Christmas, and on solemnities and feasts.
Recorded live by Sunday 7pm Choir & Friends on Easter Vigil 2021 at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Ajax, ON Canada. Thanks for listening and God bless! π
Song Title: Gloria
Artist(s): Chant Mass; Mass VIII; Chant, Mode V: Graduale Romanum, 1974
Publisher: Public Domain
Where to Obtain Music:
Pange Lingua | Catholic Hymn & Chant | Holy Thursday/Corpus Christi | Latin (w/ English translation)