More Songs of Lent | Lent 2023 | Lent Songs Catholic | Music for the Lenten Season | Choir w/Lyrics

More Songs of Lent is a new collection of choral music for the Lenten season. A collection of 8 Lenten Hymns and Songs in honour of the 40 days and 40 nights of preparation, fasting and sacrifice before the Holy Triduum.

Recorded live by the Sunday 7pm Choir at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Ajax, Ontario, Canada. Thank you for listening and God bless! 🙏

Music Credits:

1) Pange Lingua | Gregorian Chant | St. Thomas Aquinas

2) O Sacred Head Surrounded | Chant | Passion Chorale

3) Again We Keep This Solemn Fast | Lenten Hymn | St. Gregory the Great

4) O Vos Omnes (The Seven Last Words from the Cross) | Anne Quigley

5) Lord Who Throughout These Forty Days | Lenten Hymn | Claudia Hernaman

6) Salvator Mundi | Taizé Chant | Jacques Berthier

7) The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to John | St. Meinrad Archabbey and Columba Kelly, OSB

8) Parce Domine | Gregorian Chant


Parce Domine (Parce Populo Tuo) | Lenten Chant | Gregorian Chant | Choir w/Lyrics | Sunday 7pm Choir


Hymns to Mary | Mother Mary Hymns and Catholic Songs | Mary Songs | Hail Mary