Palm Sunday Entrance Antiphon | Palm Sunday Hosanna Song / Introit with Lyrics | Sunday 7pm Choir

"Palm Sunday Entrance Antiphon" by Sarah Hart, Curtis Stephan and Steve Angrisano is a beautiful hymn rooted in scripture. The antiphon, which is sung at the start of the Palm Sunday mass, communicates both the glory of Jesus' entrance to Jerusalem and anticipation for his Passion.

Recorded live at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Ajax, Ontario, Canada by the Sunday 7pm Choir. Thanks for listening and God bless!

Song Title: Palm Sunday Entrance Antiphon

Artist(s): Music by Steve Angrisano, Sarah Hart, and Curtis Stephan

Publisher: © 2010 ICEL, 2020 Steve Angrisano, Sarah Hart, and Curtis Stephan. Published by OCP.

Where to Purchase:


Holy Hour of Lent | 19 Lenten Hymns | 2025 Lent Catholic | Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday


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