Ave Maria | Schubert | Solo & Choir with Lyrics (Latin & English) | Hail Mary
'Ave Maria' (Latin for 'Hail Mary') by Franz Schubert is one of the best known musical settings of this famous prayer to the Mother of Jesus Christ. A fitting song for May, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Song Title: Ave Maria
Artist(s): Music by Franz Schubert
Publisher: Public Domain
Where to Obtain Music: https://www.cpdl.org/wiki/index.php/Ave_Maria,_Op._52,_No._6_(Franz_Schubert)
Ave Maria, gratia plena,
Ave, Ave, Dominus,
Dominus tecum.
Benedicta tu in mulieribus,
Et benedictus fructus ventris (tui),
Ventris tui, Jesus.
Ave Maria!
Hail Mary, Gentle Woman | Carey Landry | Catholic Hymn | Choir (SATB) with Lyrics