Psalm 103: The Lord Is Kind and Merciful | Divine Mercy | Marty Haugen | Choir with Lyrics

'The Lord Is Kind and Merciful' is based on Psalm 103 that speaks to God's mercy and love. A beautiful hymn to sing on Divine Mercy Sunday and on any weekend where the themes of God's mercy and love run through the readings or Gospel.

Recorded live at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Ajax, Ontario, Canada by the Sunday 7pm Choir.

Song Title: Psalm 103 The Lord Is Kind and Merciful

Artist(s): Music by Marty Haugen

Publisher: © 1983 GIA Publications Inc.

Where to Purchase:


O Word of God | Ricky Manalo | Psalms 23, 40, 95, 146 | Catholic Song w/Lyrics | Sunday 7pm Choir


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