St. Francis de Sales | Catholic Virtual Tour | Visiting the Places of his Life | Feast Day Jan 24
On the Feast Day of St. Francis de Sales, we present a video following the life of this 'Gentleman Saint', highlighting the moments and places of his life. We also present 'Come to the Lord', a Catholic hymn by Steve Angrisano and Tom Tomaszek, and arranged by Rick Modlin.
Recorded live by the Sunday 7pm Choir at St. Francis de Sales church in Ajax, Ontario, Canada.
Song Title: Come To The Lord
Artist(s): Music by Steve Angrisano and Tom Tomaszek, choral arrangement by Rick Modlin
Publisher: ©1999, 2002 Published by, a division of OCP
Where to Purchase:
Come To The Water | Beautiful Choral Arrangement | John Foley | Catholic Hymn | Choir with Lyrics