Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe - Year B - The Royal Truth & “To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King”

What is the truth that Jesus comes to bear witness to in this last Gospel of the Church’s year? It is the truth that in Jesus, God keeps the promise He made to David of an everlasting kingdom, of an heir who would be His Son, “the first born, highest of the kings of the earth”. This weekend’s Second Reading, taken from the Book of Revelation (Rev. 1:5-8), quotes these promises and celebrates Jesus as “the faithful witness.” The reading hearkens back to Isaiah’s prophecy that the Messiah would “witness to the peoples” that God is renewing His “everlasting covenant” with David.

But as Jesus tells Pilate in the Gospel (Jn. 18:33-37), there’s far more going on here than the restoration of a temporal monarchy. In the Revelation reading, Jesus calls himself “the Alpha and the Omega,” the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. He’s applying to himself a description that God uses to describe Himself in the Old Testament—the first and the last, the One who calls forth all generations. “He has made the world,” the Psalm (Ps. 92) cries, and His dominion is over all creation. In the vision of Daniel as we hear in the First Reading (Dan. 7:13-14), he comes on “the clouds of heaven”—another sign of his divinity—to be given “glory and kingship” forever over all nations and peoples.

Christ is King and his kingdom, while not of this world, exists in this world in the Church. We are a royal people. We know we have been loved by him and freed by his blood and transformed into “a kingdom, priests for his God and Father”. As a priestly people, we share in his sacrifice and in his witness to God’s everlasting covenant. We belong to his truth and listen to his voice, waiting for Jesus to come again amid the clouds.

In honor of the Feast of Christ the King, we would like to share our latest video “To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King”, a hymn written in 1941 by Martin Hellriegel as a reminder for us that it must be Christ who reigns in our lives.

Video can be watched by clicking here or on the picture below:


1st Sunday of Advent - Year C - Promise and Fulfillment & “Come, O Long Expected Jesus”


33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - Hope in Tribulation & “Over My Head”